Article: The history of magazine hints and POKEs

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Article: The history of magazine hints and POKEs

Post by flatduckrecords »

A great article in Eurogamer by @Wizwords. It looks back at the POKEs, maps, tips and cheats pages in CVG, Crash, Zzap, etc:

The history of game hints pages, before the internet took over

I never got the magazines at the time, but I ended up with a few YS and SU cover tapes—and found the Pokerama and all that fascinating. (I rarely had any of the games for which the POKEs were provided, but as a kid I was dazzled by the scrolly texts and their exotic talk of 18th birthday parties and Transvision Vamp gigs. And Jon North and Turbo slagging each other off, of course).

So I missed it back then but I'm glad it's still a feature of the reincarnated Crash, despite the Internet having taken over! The latest issue (my copy just arrived today!) has tips for Ant Attack with a brilliant Oli Fray illustration of the game.
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Re: Article: The history of magazine hints and POKEs

Post by Wizwords »

thanks for the mention! That was a really fun article to write.
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