
Reviews for Gusano-Bus (#17050)

Review by Digital Prawn on 28 Apr 2011 (Rating: 2)

Simple Spanish "worm" game, written in BASIC.

4-way directional (CURSOR) controls. Single-digit random-value, randomly-positioned, recurring reward, increases score, but not worm length.

Initial worm-length determined by distance to first-placed object.

No UDGs, but uses solid block and "checkerboard" from basic graphics character set. Black worm, yellow background, slightly sluggish. Can effectively play game indefinitely without dying, racking up points due to slow speed and non-increasing worm length. Superflous "GO TO 125" on line 121. I don't know why it's there, it can just be removed. Also I found it useful to change the keys to my preferred QAOP layout.

Amazingly fails to run on a 16K model, even though it's a small program due to overlarge array allocations ("Out of Memory").

I'm a sucker for worm games and I like to note differences between various versions. So it's a bit of fun for me, but incredibly boring for most sane gamers I'd imagine, so 2 out of 5.