
Reviews for Ground Attack (#2155)

Review by sometimesblue on 05 May 2011 (Rating: 2)

Another game that didn't last the test of time. This was one of the first games I owned, in fact it has the privilege of being the second game on my sacred BASF C90. (The first game is Maziacs from 1982, and the last is Flying Shark from around 1988). It was so ineptly pirated that it had to be started with a poke.

Its a Scramble clone. It clearly now a compiled Basic game, with the same engine used for the other Silversoft game Orbiter, a Defender clone. The screen grinds aross and once you get into the narrowest of caves, the reactions of your ship really do drag.

Considering Penetrator was out at the same time for the same cost, that is far superior. I finished it for this review for the first time in 30 years. The final area just hangs, and returns to the front page with no fanfare. Bit of a let down.

Review by The Dean of Games on 17 Sep 2012 (Rating: 2)

1982 Silversoft Ltd (UK)
by Iain Christopher Hayward

Of course this is not a great game. This is a very basic version of Scramble. Everything is small, simple and jerky. But I remember coming back to this game from time to time back then, and it still has the same effect on me to this days.
Dont know if its because of the athmosphere or for not knowing how narrower will the next zone be. But it still lures me. Dont look at the map! It will spoil the game!

2,5 stars