
Reviews for Astro (#293)

Review by The Dean of Games on 26 Jul 2013 (Rating: 2)

1985 MicroHobby (Spain)
by Manuel Orcera Valero

Astro is one of the best games is the Microhobby cassette tape 05.
Initially it's not very appealing, with some bad decisions in the interludes, which spoil the continuity of the game. Nonetheless it plays very well, and if you are patient enough, you will get a few nice surprises.

Review by dandyboy on 26 Jul 2013 (Rating: 3)

I used to be addicted to this sort of proto video-games in my early years here in Spain ... a 3 for the fond memories !!

Annoying ending sequence ...

Review by Juan F. Ramirez on 16 Nov 2018 (Rating: 2)

Weird game in which you control an astronaut along some screens. First one, a labyrinth. If you touch the walls, you're dead, what is highly likely due to the difficult control of character. Frustrating.

Then, a new screen in which you must avoid and shoot stars. Strange level, as you're supposed to lose a life if collide with any stars, but sometimes you collide and nothing happens. I think I'm missing something.

Then, two new screens similar to the latter ones. If, after those four screens, you don't get a minimum of 27.500 points, you can't go to the next screens (it seems there are six in total). The problem is there's no points counter on the screen.

If you get that amount of points you go to the next screen, in which you must avoid and shoot a sort of space objects. This time with points and oxygen counter (whenever you collide with an object, your oxygen counter decreases). Probably the best level.