
Reviews for World Class Darts (#5727)

Review by YOR on 20 May 2018 (Rating: 2)

Two games in one, the standard 501 and Killer which I know nothing about. Throwing the dart is easy, stop the line at the intended target and then stop the black cursor at the ring of that target, and the speed of the changes with each level you choose at the start of the game, so level 5 is much faster than level one. The problem is you always have press enter in between shots and I don't like that, would prefer if it kept with the flow rather than be constantly interrupted all the time. When you win, in which they proceed to play the theme tune to Match of the Day for some reason, you can choose to play again and when you do it's Mugs Away, meaning the loser of the last game throws first. However, the game's scoreboard doesn't read that too well, in my case player two threw first yet it took away the score from player one and vice versa, so what's the point of giving us such a feature if you can implement it properly? As for Killer, you simply have to select a target for each player, left-handed for some reason, and your opponent has to hit the double of that target three times to win, straight-forward enough. It's not really a bad game but it's brief, you can only play two players and continuing the game is bugged. Also the higher your level the more broken stoping the line and cursors are because it increases the chances of them not working. Put it this way, it sure isn't World Class.