General info for: Footballer of the Year [#ID: 1832]
Release Date:
Authors according to SPOT/SPEX:
Greg Holmes & Christian Shrigley
*** Data provided by SPOT/SPEX is unconfirmed. Please help us validate this information!
Message Language:
Machine Type:
ZX-Spectrum 48K
Maximum Players:
Original Price:
Original Price according to SPOT/SPEX:
*** Data provided by SPOT/SPEX is unconfirmed. Please help us validate this information!
Disk Price:
Average mag. score:
55.60% (5 reviews)

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User Score
Total votes:

  7.7% (1)
  15.4% (2)
  23.1% (3)
  38.5% (5)
  15.4% (2)

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Compilations featuring this title
Date: 1987/Dec
Release Type: Full version
Alternate Title:
Date: 1989
Release Type: Full version
Alternate Title:
Date: 2015/Apr/24
Release Type: Full version
Alternate Title:
Titles in "FootballerOfTheYear" Series
Number: 1
Release: 1986
Number: 2
Release: 1989
Page: 114 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Review - not a Spectrum article
Page: 59 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Review
Page: 28 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Review
Score: 68%
Page: 110 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Review
Score: 54%
Page: 46 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Review
Score: 1/5
Page: 30 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Review
Score: 7/10
Page: 61 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Review
Score: 66%
Page: 92 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: CompoEntry
Page: 8 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: CompoEntry - ref. "Gary Lineker's ..."
Page: 5 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: News/Note
Page: 14 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: CompoEntry
Page: 64 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: CompoResult
Page: 91 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Preview
Page: 60 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Tips
Page: 31 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: CompoEntry
Page: 22 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: CompoResult
Page: 107 (PDF) (VIEW)
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Page: 37 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Offer
Page: 9 (PDF) (VIEW)
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Article Type: Hack/Poke
Page: 34 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Hack/Poke
Page: 80 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Full-page ad - ref. "Gary Lineker's ..."
Page: 54 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Advert - ref. "Gary Lineker's ..."
Page: 2 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Advert - ref. "Gary Lineker's ..."
Page: 112 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Full-page ad
Page: 94 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Full-page ad
Page: 94 (PDF) (VIEW)
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Article Type: Advert
Page: 16 (PDF) (VIEW)
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Page: 66 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Advert - ref. "Gary Lineker's ..."
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Article Type: Full-page ad
Page: 51 (PDF) (VIEW)
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Page: 10 (PDF) (VIEW)
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Article Type: Full-page ad
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Article Type: Advert
Page: 10 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Advert
Page: 152 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Advert - ref. "Gary Lineker's ..."
Page: 17 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Advert - Kixx advert
Page: 57 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Full-page ad
Page: 24 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Advert
Page: 2 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Advert
Page: 36 (PDF) (VIEW)
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Article Type: Advert
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Article Type: Full-page ad
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Page: 8 (PDF) (VIEW)
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Article Type: Advert
Page: 104 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Full-page ad - ref. "Gary Lineker's ..."
Page: 10 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Advert
Page: 2 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Advert
Page: 96 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Review (10 Great Games)
Page: 44 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Review (The Soccer Squad)
Score: 77%
Page: 61 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Review (The Soccer Squad)
Score: 67%
Page: 95 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Feature - Christmas Crackers (10 Great Games)
Page: 34 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Feature - Christmas Compilations (10 Great Games)
Page: 23 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: News/Note (The Soccer Squad)
Page: 14 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Full-page ad (10 Great Games)
Page: 56 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Full-page ad (10 Great Games)
Page: 41 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Advert (The Soccer Squad)
Page: 115 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Full-page ad (10 Great Games)
Page: 12 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Full-page ad (10 Great Games)