atariage blocking certain countries?

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atariage blocking certain countries?

Post by Nomad »

Ever since around December I have not been able to access the website it always times out. Did they decide to build a wall and keep the rest of the world out? At first I thought it was just the my cable provider screwing up but according to them they are not blocking the website - there exact words were 'why would we do that?'

I then search and find that guys from eastern Europe & Russia also have a problem getting to the website.
They seem to have blocked parts of Asia, Russia and eastern Europe. I don't get why they would do that if its an intentional thing. Most of the developers are going to be from that part of the world anyway...

Hopefully Spectrum computing won't make a similar decision.
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Re: atariage blocking certain countries?

Post by R-Tape »

Nomad wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:28 am Hopefully Spectrum computing won't make a similar decision.
Nope. I can't think why that would be necessary. We did get worried about a huge number of spam accounts from '' addresses but that was easily sorted.

I was all for blocking Australia (Vegemite and not being merciful at Cricket) but Peter wouldn't let me.
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Re: atariage blocking certain countries?

Post by 1024MAK »

I'm in the U.K. and I have no problems accessing AtariAge.

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Re: atariage blocking certain countries?

Post by PeterJ »

Is it not more likely that your Internet Service Provider is blocking it for some misguided reason?
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Re: atariage blocking certain countries?

Post by Ralf »

I have no problem with it too and I'm connecting from Eastern Europe ;) Maybe it's just Russia? Or something totally other?

Actually blocking an Atari site from traffic from Eastern Europe would be vey silly as 50% of active events in 8-bit Atari world are currently happening in Poland.
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Re: atariage blocking certain countries?

Post by Nomad »

Hmm, I am based in the Philippines at the moment. So you would be surprised how often websites just on a whim will block traffic - its considered useless. :lol: I think its because you tend to get a lot of spam issues originating from the 'peens.

Well - One curious issue, I can see the pages on atariage, and atariwiki when I look at google catch content but only with plain text... hmmmm. When I use a proxy it is fine and I can browse both websites.

Weird because atarimania works just fine.

Must be something going on with the Javascript.

Mind you I don't put it past the service provider here to be doing something, but that pre-supposes that they are competent actors. :lol: What is the saying 'Never ascribe to malice what can be attributed to plain stupidity.' So its entirely possible that someone having accidentally miss configured something on this end. I will check.

The only other thing I can think of is that its aggressively shadow blocking/conflicting with the add-blocking add on. Will disable it and see if its the same issue.

Edit: No it makes no difference.

I was curious if Poland was blocked because there is a big Atari scene, that would have been a little crazy, I was going off what the forum said...


The quote was Goethe :lol: Nearly right.
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Re: atariage blocking certain countries?

Post by Nomad »

Well I figured why not hit them up on facebook. :lol: Turns out they were blocking the PI. :lol: Mystery solved. Got my IP white listed and now everything is peachy.
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