
Reviews for Thrill Time Gold 1 (#12174)

Review by YOR on 30 May 2022 (Rating: 4)

Compilation time again. This time I am covering the first two instalments of Thrill Time Gold from Elite, 1 and 2 to be precise. There was also a third one as well as a Platinum edition, but they contain games I haven't covered yet whereas the first two contains games I have already done. Same as before, this review will feature a brief summary of the games included followed by a final summary,

Batty 5
A very worthy Breakout/Arkanoid clone that's up there among the best. It has everything you want in a Breakout clone

Bomb Jack 5
A very accurate conversion of a brilliant arcade game. One of this finest arcade conversions on the Spectrum.

Ghost 'n Goblins 3
I never liked the arcade game and predictably I didn't find much love for the Speccy version either. I never got very far in this even with nine lives.

Paperboy 4
While not the best conversion out there it sure is just as playable and just as fun. Always full of enjoyment and thrills.

Turbo Esprit 3
It's very well programmed but you're required to pretty much do more than one thing at a time and I never got on with that at all. Alternating from the map to the game screen and steering the car was always a nuisance for me.

Overall 4
Pretty damn good compilation I say. Batty and Bomb Jack are easily the standout games here and while Ghost 'n Goblins and Turbo Esprit were letdowns on a personal perspective, they are not bad games in their own right. Elite were one of the best companies around in this era and this compilation is proof of that.