
Reviews for Alien Attack (#146)

Review by The Dean of Games on 25 Jul 2013 (Rating: 1)

1983 A.C.E. (UK)
by Ray Jones

A very primitive form of Space Invaders.

Review by dandyboy on 25 Jul 2013 (Rating: 3)

Not bad for a 1983´s reléase , besides the control system seems very original since I don´t know any other video-game in which you must press keys from 1 to zero in order to bean the enemy ...

Review by YOR on 21 Nov 2017 (Rating: 1)

First off this isn't a 16K as loading this in 16K crashes it, load in 48K instead. Second, I am not sure what exactly needs to be done to prevent the earth from being "distroyed", it seems like the level ends randomly and I managed to complete this even on professional skill. And third, and most importantly, this is rubbish. The ship is very sensitive which makes hitting an enemy a matter of luck. And this was close to £7 too. £7 for a game you can effectively finish in around five minutes, I will be swift and to the point and say it wasn't worth it.