
Reviews for Dragonia (#1496)

Review by YOR on 12 Mar 2022 (Rating: 2)

I don't normally do adventure type games myself as they are not my forte, but this certainly looked appealing with its bright and beautiful colourful graphics, and it has quite a nice tune to boot as well. However, and predictably, the gameplay for me was quite bland. I entered a house and nothing happened, I reached a dead end and someone else appeared and murdered me, and it's back to the start. It doesn't help that the man moves rather slowly, I mean you didn't move the quickest in say Dun Darach but he's even slower here. And then there are different commands to go through which maybe could have helped me in that cottage from earlier. We can fill, dig, perhaps talk to someone, maybe that bloke who murdered me earlier, we can save which is pointless now as we have save states, and then it gave me an option to start the tape, I cancelled and it corrupted and crashed. Again gotta say it, these type of games are not my forte, you're going to need to spend a considerable amount of time on this game to get anywhere, but I struggle to see any kind of lasting replay value with this, its slow pace does not help. If this is your kind of game however, give it look and tell us how it's really done, and by that I mean doing so by posting a review of your own which no-one will read. A sad reality if ever there was one.