
Reviews for Explorer (#1692)

Review by ZXDunny on 08 Jul 2013 (Rating: 5)

This takes me back - finding this little gem of a game in a small back-street computer shop in Tunbridge Wells and just drinking in the inlay card - 40 BILLION LOCATIONS, it screamed...

Could it be true?

God, yes. And what a game! The graphics are stunningly good - wandering over plains, through dense jungles, suddenly discovering native villages or old abandoned temples overlooking lakes of shimmering blue... It's gorgeous, seriously so.

But there's more to it than just graphics - the jungle is a dangerous place at times, and you'll need quick reactions and your wits about you as alien-looking mechanical death insects attack when you least expect it.

You can literally explore this for years (like I have), but the actual game involves mapping the jungle in order to recover parts of your broken spacecraft - you have the usual set of explorer tools, like beacons and a compass... and a rangefinder to determine where the next part is. You can also activate your jetpack to get an aerial view of your immediate surroundings which is very reminiscent of Google Maps with their Street View system - obviously inspired by this very game.

The only criticism I might make is that the controls are slightly non-intuitive, but then - control systems were very fluid in those days as new things were tried and abandoned or refined as reviews came in.

All in all, it's a long-forgotten classic and worth tracking down if you can. WOS shows the inlay for the more common compilation version - I had the much more rare single-copy version, which I treasure to this day.

Play it, immerse yourself in it, fall in love with it.