
Reviews for Tarantula (#17677)

Review by The Dean of Games on 11 Jun 2020 (Rating: 2)

1983 Interface Publications (UK)
by Malcolm Young

The goal consists of you moving a tank in a pitch dark area filled with spiders. You can't see any of this spiders/tarantulas, just randomly and very briefly (maybe they mated with fireflys). To catch a glimpse of them you have to make use of the tanks light (key 1). If any spiders appear in the lit area, you should kill them immediately, otherwise they keep coming at you and eat you up (tank included). By the way either the tank is minuscule or the spiders are gigantic (besides glowing like fireflies).

The game is very playable and original, but still I would give it a tweak here or there, to make a bit more playable, a spider warning would be a nice idea.