
Reviews for Hudson Hawk (#2373)

Review by Raphie on 09 Feb 2012 (Rating: 4)

Oooh boy this brings back memories....this was the very last ZX Spectrum game I ever bought in 1994, a month later the store selling them said they were discontinuing Spectrum stuff and focusing on 16-bit games I cried....uncontrollably....*ahem* anyways this is a really good game which has the lot - including stunning in-game music, my how impressive!

Review by YOR on 12 Jun 2013 (Rating: 5)

A simply glorious platformer with great graphics, superb in game music and a lot of gameplay thrills. Wonderful.

Review by dm_boozefreek on 01 Nov 2018 (Rating: 5)

Nearing the end of the Speccy's commercial life Ocean had some kind of weird 180 degree turn!

This game much like Navy Seals is a game related to that turn. Instead of doing their usual and making a shit game based on a good movie they released a really good game based on a completely shit movie. Funny how things work out sometimes, and I'd scoff usually, but like I mentioned Navy Seals is another prime example of this phenomenon.

Hudson Hawk as it stands is a cartoony affair, and a platformer with great level design, enough colour used for it not to look bland and boring, with decent responsive controls, and it's actually really fun to play. I'm still not sure at the time if it was really worth the £10.99 asking price, or the insane £15.99 for a disk version, but the £3.99 budget re-release price was really good value for money.

As much as I want to hate this game, I can't, it's really good, really, really, good, and proof that even in it's twilight years the good ol' Speccy could still produce a high quality and fun game.

Review by Darko on 30 Apr 2019 (Rating: 5)

The movie stunk but the game is actually quite excellent.

Review by The Dean of Games on 03 May 2019 (Rating: 4)

This game is based upon the Bruce Willis movie of the same name. I don't think I saw the movie and honestly judging by the review I don't think I will. About the game, well most reviewers say it's great and think it redeems the movie, so I gave it a try, because it was unknown to me.

First impressions were not the best, the initial presentation seems a bit sloppy and dull. Then I started the game. I can't say I was overly excited with it, it didn't impress me in the way I was expecting, not because it isn't good just because my expectations were a lot higher. That said, I must agree with most reviewers who say this is a great game. It's very well written, with a great movement routine that reminds me of Super Mario. The games goal is simple but interesting, a bit of a mix of Super Mario and Sir Fred. Sound is also quite good with nice tunes mixed in, and there's humor here and there which adds dept to some characters. The overall graphic presentation is quite nice, although some animations, namely the tennis ball throwing are not so good.
Still this is a very exciting game which I recommend to any platform fan.