
Reviews for robotfindskitten (#24600)

Review by YOR on 27 Feb 2021 (Rating: 2)

I think this is a game that has appeared at random for me in the past and I've ignored it for whatever reason, or at least when presented to me at random just now it looked familiar as if to say I had already done it, I had not. But now the time has come for me to do this one, for I want my headstone to read “he tried to play Robotfindskitten once and lived to regret it”, actually no I don't I wish to be cremated when I die but that's just me. Anyway, you are a robot, well a hash but who's judging, and your job is to find kitten. It's based on a game written by Leonard Richardson from 1997 originally on MS-DOS. You are to go around searching various items in your quest to find kitten, which are a mixture of letters, numbers and symbols. Among the items found throughout my game were: a Crudmobile, an old tin can, a marijuana brownie, a sign reading “TO KITTEN” that points in no direction whatsoever, a vase full of artificial floor stuck on the floor, an autographed copy of “Primary Colours” by Anonymous, a quote from Mr. T, reading “I pity the fool who mistakes me for kitten!”, and then Kitten was found, THEN I PRESSED THE RESET BUTTON, and then calm, it's over. Well there's not to say except that's the game, literally. It's not so much the fault of the author of this version, the original game is really that primitive, like hash as the robot, that was at least consistent and correct it was a # in the original. But once you find kitten are you really going to play this again? The likelihood is no.