
Reviews for Knight Rider (#2719)

Review by psj3809 on 28 Dec 2008 (Rating: 2)

I bought this 'game' from the Olympia computer show back in the mid 80's. What a terrible decision that was !

Knight Rider had been delayed for agessss, that should have been the major warning sign but no, i somehow went and bought this.

Just a terrible boring game, when you reach a destination you then have to get to a section of the room, touch a baddie and you die. Just so boring.

Terrible game by Ocean, terrible

Review by The Dean of Games on 14 Feb 2012 (Rating: 1)

1986 Ocean Software (UK)
by Antony Lill, Gary Knight and F. D. Thorpe (loading screen)

Like Street Hawk this game was delayed for a long period, something to do with the tie-in licence and the bad quality of the first game version. So a new game was written, and even if the game was only average, at least they had the decency of remaking a new, better game.

That didn't happen with Knight Rider, they release this worst than poor game, knowing fans would fall for the name or the cover. So if you loved the TV show dont go ruining your memories playing this game. There is really nothing good you can say about this. The game's lack of playability quickly gets tedious, the characters are poorly defined and it's too easy to give you any drive.

Review by YOR on 30 Mar 2014 (Rating: 1)

As awful as it can be. Ocean had quite a number of busts during its time and if this ain't on the top of the tree it's pretty darn close.

Review by Rebelstar Without a Cause on 31 Mar 2014 (Rating: 1)

The loading screen depicts David Hasslehoff with a decidedly red face.
Yes, even he's embarrassed to be associated with this pile of crap!

Review by dm_boozefreek on 11 Feb 2016 (Rating: 1)

Shite Rider more like!

Ocean once again blew a really good license, by making a completely terrible game. You'd think the time it took them to get it onto the shelves they may have actually put a game in there.

I was one of the lucky ones, I got to play this game before I even thought about buying it. I really feel sorry for all the people, or peoples parents who parted with their hard earned £7.95 for this debacle. £7.95 in 1986 was quite a bit to part with for a lump of shit in a cassette box.

This is another nail in Oceans coffin, and it probably juts roughly, and offensively out of the wood a few inches away from Highlander.

They knew fine well that regardless of how shit the game was, people would still be suckered by the license.

This game is one of those disastrous curios, that definitely belongs to stay in the past. The graphics are crap the gameplay is sluggish and slow, and pretty much devoid of any redeeming features. Why even have the map screen at all if whenever you don't pick the location the game wants you to go to. You just get the inside of one of the buildings onscreen, and a message from KIT telling you "Sorry Michael we need to be...insert correct location here". Totally pointless.

This game is a glob of the aftermath of a monkey's stress wank!

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 22 Sep 2016 (Rating: 1)

by Antony R. Lill, Gary Knight, F. David Thorpe
Never gave a damn to Knight Rider nor Street Hawk, which seemed to keep my best friend glued to the tv. Anyway, if in Italy Knight Rider was known as Supercar, this game should be renamed Superbore.
It's composed by two sections, the first being a mix between driving and yawning, the second a top view, single screen sleepwalk from a side to the other of a building packed with bad people, like Oswald, or the guy who wanted to impress Jodie Foster, or most probably Hillary Clinton. You're gonna need several cups of coffee to stay awake. But there is a good rendition of the Knight Rider theme, and a okaysh loading screen, with an extremely tanned David Hasselhoff - maybe he was preparing for Baywatch. And how I would have preferred a Baywatch game.