
Reviews for Last Ninja 2 (#2827)

Review by dandyboy on 31 Jul 2012 (Rating: 5)

Last Ninja 2 is , probably , one of the best videogames ever created for the Spectrum . This game is superb in every possible aspect .

It combines suspense , action , strategy , exploration , hability , etc. and it takes these ingredients to a supreme degree .

Last Ninja 2 is just perfect , and the most accomplished videoadventure in 48k without any doubt .

The graphics are incredible , just wandering around the city is quite an experience -you can get lost in this virtual environment - ... the variery of baddies is remarkable , as well as the precission of the wide range of movements .

This game was ages ahead of its time and it was never surpassed . at times you almost feel like you are watching a police film . the atmosphere is supreme ...

You can hardly believe a program of this magnitude , dimension and perfection can be put into some meagre 48ks . UNBELIEVABLE !!!

5 big stars without a shadow of a doubt for this masterpiece of the 80´s called Last Ninja 2 . a treasure to be rescued from the last days of the spectrum .

Review by The Dean of Games on 01 Aug 2012 (Rating: 4)

1988 System 3 Software (UK)
by Mevlut Dinc, Gary Thornton and Brian Marshall

No doubt one of the prettiest games ever created for the Spectrum.
The graphics are astonishing. They remind me the Italian fumetti of the 70' and 80's.
The problem lies in the gameplay. The controls are hard to master, you cant walk in diagonal, meaning you walk in sequences of 'L' shaped moves. Another problem is the way you fight your adversaries. Its always the same procedure, like in a very basic beat 'em up, you press the same keys over and over again, on top of that there's too many baddies slowing down your progress. If only there was more variety in killing them, besides weapons, or a faster way, maybe it wouldn't be so boring at times.
The high point, besides the beautifully design backgrounds and characters I mentioned before, is the problem solving. Every situation requires strategy and planning and some are quite well thought out. This really adds value to the game, and makes it worthwhile
4,5 stars

Review by YOR on 08 Jun 2013 (Rating: 2)

It looks fantastic but in all honesty I always found this game too boring to enjoy, it failed to motivate me everytime I played it. I also found the title music quite appalling. Sadly it's not for me.

Review by judasezt on 19 Jan 2014 (Rating: 5)

At the time of its release, was unbelievable. The zenith into 3d isometric graphics games. Its quality graphics blew away everybody's mind.

The game was an action adventure with many weapons, combats and puzzles.

Nowadays the control system seems overcomplicated and slightly unfriendly, but at its time wasn't perceived as a flaw. The beauty of the game, and the enveloping of the adventure made you assume as just hard to master.. ninja techniques must to be that hard. =)

LastNinja 2 was a C64 original title regarded as a landmark in isometric games. Converted perfectly to the Spectrum, only the great tunes are missed, reduced onto a jumbled cover of the title theme.

Review by dm_boozefreek on 01 Nov 2018 (Rating: 2)

Call me a hater, but this entire series was a load of crap!

Iso-3D graphics and fighting works about as well as putting Chocolate coated prawns, asparagus, mint choc chip ice cream, and BBQ beans on a plate and calling it a trip into culinary existentialism.

Wrong that's called being a pretentious wanker, and no amount of buzz words will make it a good meal. Sadly this game pretty much fits into the same catergory, why it was so highly praised when it's so fucking bad is beyond me?