
Reviews for Plummet (#3775)

Review by The Dean of Games on 24 Nov 2011 (Rating: 3)

1984 Interceptor Software (UK)
by Stephen Curtis

Fun little game, can became either very addictive or irritating.
The mayor of New York has got stuck between floors in an elevator during the opening of the city's newest skyscraper.
Your job, as the hero, is to rescue the mayor, taking as many ropes as you can to tie up the chain holding the lift that is slowly breaking.
The building is divided in 3 separate screens or levels, the top is where the mayor is stuck and where you have to get the ropes to, this screen is very annoying because of the acid(?) rain falling and the zombies surrounding. Nice game.

Review by dandyboy on 24 Jul 2013 (Rating: 5)

Chuckie Egg meets Jet Set Willy ... excellent stuff ! ! !

Review by Rebelstar Without a Cause on 24 Jul 2013 (Rating: 4)

Surprisingly (because I never even heard of it until recently) good platformer where you have to collect enough rope to rescue the mayor who's stuck in a lift.

Review by Stack on 30 Jul 2013 (Rating: 3)

Charming and infuriating platform and ladders game with an old fashioned 'to hell with it' attitude to colour clash.

Set over 3 'towering' screens your job is to collect rope to secure the lift before it plummets.

Its a nice enough game but has that caught in bad dream feeling about it - feels more like playing John Cleese in Clockwise than starring in an all action Towering Inferno thriller.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 13 Feb 2014 (Rating: 3)

A platform organized along a three story building, divided in three screens, stuffed with platform and ladders, and littered with ropes, which you must pick up [one at the time], and zombies, falling dust, moving blocks which you must avoid.
The aim is to bring 30 ropes to the last story, where the mayor of the city is trapped in a broken elevator, bound to fall anytime. With the ropes you can secure it and save him. So, it's a bit different platform, which doesn't make it great anyway, but it's Chuckie Egg fast and ok.

Review by Alessandro Grussu on 28 Jun 2014 (Rating: 2)

This is definitely not one of these games I have a fond memory of: Plummet is a novelty idea badly translated into an actual game. Your character - an obese-looking thing wearing a brim hat - scuttles along three badly drawn screens collecting flashing UDGs supposed to be pieces of an elevator chain, in order to save the mayor of New York from plummeting (hence the name) to his doom.

Graphics that already looked poor and dated at the time of release, together with very limited gameplay, and just three screens of action are the highlights (so to speak) of Plummet. As a budget game it would have been merely passable, but as a full-priced title it just didn't cut it then. Now it is simply bad.