
Reviews for The Pyramid (#3957)

Review by p13z on 30 Aug 2011 (Rating: 3)

Strange shooter, involving floating around in a bubble, in a giant pyramid, zapping aliens.
The game boasted '120 chambers, inhabited by 60 weird and exotic alien types'. What the cover failed to mention is that much of it was all mind numbingly similar and repetitive. The game has a good sense of progressing up the pyramid, with the difficulty increasing accordingly, but it all gets a bit boring after a while.

Review by dandyboy on 05 Dec 2011 (Rating: 5)

What a bloody marvelous game this is !!! I am speechless. :O

One of my favorite games ever and one of the best games ever made for the Spectrum ... I would award this game with 6 stars out of 5 if the protocol allowed me . ;D

Dive into an infested Pyramid full of weird enemies and toss your ray at them while you collect the diamonds ... sheer delight !! isnĀ“t it ??

The most interesting feature in this Pyramid is that you choose your own way through the chambers until you reach the very bottom.

Each chamber is filled with a different kind of enemy while you are protected by a bionic bubble propelled by some kind of anti-gravity invisible energy.

The feeling of being floating in the middle of the outer space is so accomplished that at times you feel like in 2001 Space Odyssey which is kinda cool. ;D

This game is the coolest experience you could ever try in a Zx Spectrum.

Review by Raphie on 10 Feb 2012 (Rating: 4)

This is one of the more challenging games I've played for sure, you're required to shoot nasties and collect diamonds to place down one of the gates in order to go down the Pyramid and it really is easy said then done. I really enjoy this game purely for the it's gameplay and the challenge it presents. This is definately one of those games that'll keep you going for hours.

Review by Alessandro Grussu on 30 Oct 2012 (Rating: 2)

Big and boring. That's the best way to describe The Pyramid in my opinion. A game where you have to proceed zapping aliens and carefully collecting crystals in order to reach the base a 15-level pyramid would sound interesting on paper.

However, after several minutes of playing and repeating the same task as a sort of household chore, the game becomes tedious and does not make you come back at it anymore.

It's not badly done, but as it is, The Pyramid soon becomes a repetitive exercise and kills any potential enjoyment that could be had from it.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 10 Mar 2013 (Rating: 3)

ok, well done, but too frustrating.
you shoot the aliens like a madman to obtain a diamond falling from the ceiling, which you must use to neutralize the magnetic gates that lead to the other room of the space pyramid,
but mostly it gets destroyed by the aliens or such before that, and you have to start all the process again: and this is all the gameplay, apparently - which is rather repetitive.
or is there something different later?

Review by YOR on 07 Aug 2013 (Rating: 3)

Though I personally enjoyed this game and would love to give this a higher score it is simply far too repetitive to take seriously. If only for that this would have been a superb title.