
Reviews for Roland's Rat Race (#4227)

Review by Stack on 22 Jan 2015 (Rating: 2)

Terrible levels and ladders 'arcade' adventure where you play the puppet who inexplicably reinvigorated a decaying breakfast TV show in Britain in the 80s.

The nasties are not challenging, this game will let you wander around for hours without dying. The game is all about solving the illogical layout with a map - which the mapper on WoS has failed to do by missing the lower levels out.

The game is all the worse because Roland can't even jump and clashes horribly. A rat in a sewer that can't jump?

Looks like a bad C64 conversion.

Review by dandyboy on 22 Jan 2015 (Rating: 3)

Easy to get lost here ! ! ! Cool nontheless . . . 3 out of 5 .

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 28 Jun 2015 (Rating: 4)

by Denton Designs, F. David Thorpe
It's mainly a maze game, disguised as a platforms'n'ladders thing, you must get out of the sewers in time for your tv broadcast, and in order to do that you have to find the pieces of the exit door and the key to open it.
The sewers are a very cozy and colourful place, with lots of blue, red and purple walls, but you have stuff to do outside, so, first you should locate the trapdoor that leads you from the upper sewer to the lower sewer, and then the place where you have to compose your puzzle of pieces of a door. Now you can start to collect them, and bring them there, one by one.
Your task is made harder by the yellow Wellington boots that follow you everywhere and drain your energy, which can be temporarily stopped with your glue gun, by the intricacy of the maze of the sewers, with lots of confusing passages and doors, and, most of all, by the time limit, which makes quickness essential in order to solve the game, and to do that you have to learn how to exploit the illogical passages and doors in your favour. I was at first disoriented and bored by this game, and its apparently endless and fruitless running around, but when I casually entered the lower sewer and found the door, things have begun to make more sense, and I started to enjoy it. Backgrounds are very nice, although the sprites are terribly colour clashy and blurred. Playability is very good, you just have to understand what to do and how to do it.
Once you know this, you may find that the difficult level is slightly below average. But that's not a problem to me.
A cute early Ocean game that looks more like an early Gremlin Graphics game, with anthropomorphic animals and lots of colours.

Review by YOR on 23 Nov 2017 (Rating: 2)

Lost interest in this very quickly. You just climb ladders, go through doors, get lost, that's it. Ain't my kind of game frankly.