
Reviews for Rommel's Revenge (#4236)

Review by winston on 24 Aug 2009 (Rating: 3)

Rommel's Revenge is a conversion to the Spectrum of the "Battle Zone" style arcade game. It's one of the earliest vector graphics games that appeared on the Spectrum, being released in 1983, some time before games like "Elite".

It was also notable for its curious loader, that painted the loading screen not in the typical "load a SCREEN$ at the start" style of nearly all Spectrum games, but progressively as the game loaded - as well as the lack of the familiar border loading stripes.

The aim of the game is to drive your tank around the 3D vector graphics landscape, eliminating enemy tanks before they eliminate you.

As a game though, it's a little bit of a let-down - it doesn't have much replayability given the simple style of gameplay, and the responsiveness is a little on the slow side (although this can be forgiven, given the year of release and the detail to the landscape; it's probable that the game has to do more than Elite to paint the outside world).