
Reviews for Super Hang-On (#5019)

Review by Raphie on 22 Feb 2011 (Rating: 4)

Another arcade classic nicely converted to the Spectrum. The graphics are really nice, the bikes are well modelled, great detail in the background and nice use the colour. It retains the same gameplay as the arcade version so you can't go wrong with this, it has the proper feel of a racing game. The one drawback is that I was never a fan of the music in this game, even when I was younger I would mute the TV when the game was about to load. But still Super Hang-On is a fine example of how to convert arcade games properly.

Review by Alessandro Grussu on 18 Jun 2011 (Rating: 5)

Excellent conversion from the Sega driving game. High points are: great graphics with great use of colors; convincing impression of speed; the ability to adjust the controls sensitivity. The tracks are progressively difficult and on the longest and most difficult courses you will need to master every bend and twist in order to reach the end, thus making the whole experience much longer and absorbing than, say, Enduro Racer. Sound is pretty poor, with the tune at the beginning being particularly irritating, but that's just a minor point for such a superb example of a Spectrum coin-op conversion. 5/5

Review by The Dean of Games on 01 Aug 2012 (Rating: 4)

1987 Electric Dreams Software (UK)
by Mevlut Dinc, Chris Wood and ZZKJ

After the excelent 'Full Throttle' its really hard for me to appreaciate any racing game.
The graphics are quite good, and the use of colour is well used on our bike, on the rest it is OK. The speed is great, with a convincing racing feel and the controls are easy to use. Still when you compare the smoothness of 'Full Throttle' with 'Super Hang On' or any other game of the genre for that matter, they always fall short. Even the animations arent as smooth as the old 1984 game. Yes its more challenging than 'Full Throttle' but the jerky feel when you make turns or the jerky way the road moves is no comparison to 'F.T.' qualities. The crashing sequence is also quite bad. Overall as much as I try I cant really enjoy this game that much.
Not a bad conversion, mind you, in fact a very competent one, also the game plays very well and I bet I would love this has much as anyone if only I had never played 'F.T.'

Review by Rebelstar Without a Cause on 08 Aug 2013 (Rating: 4)

This is a very good port of the Sega classic. The game plays well with a good sense of speed. There are plenty of other riders on the road although you can't race against them. They're merely there to get in your way and cost you valuable seconds. This is another top quality arcade conversion and a great game in it's own right.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 14 May 2017 (Rating: 3)

Super Hang-On [Electric Dreams]
by Software Studios (Chris Wood, ZZKJ, Mevlut Dinc)

Better than Out Run, not as good as Enduro Racer. Poor crash sequence.


Review by YOR on 04 Sep 2020 (Rating: 4)

As promised my next review is Super Hang-On which due to its denied status I never reviewed until now as denied games never showed up on World of Spectrum's Sinclair Randomseek. I had a separate list of denied games and games under the rating of 3 as neither showed up of Randomseek and from time to time I would have used a randomiser of sorts to pick a game from either list, and for whatever reason this was never selected, And yes, pretty much the same colours as in Angel Nieto 500cc, a little bit naughty from Operasoft if I may say so. This is a nice conversion of a nice arcade game, I am so glad they didn't cock this one. It's not perfect and there are grips, such as you can't choose your course, you are given one depending on the side or version you load, also the sound is a minor problem though the ear-bleeding music is a major problem, thankfully you can make it brief and make it go away as quick as you can. But take away those nitpicks and you have a nice racing game with a nice sense of speed and control. Quite well received and it's not hard to see why.