
Reviews for Trivial Pursuit: A New Beginning (#5420)

Review by ron on 16 Jun 2016 (Rating: 4)

Incomprehensible remix of the original boardgame

Review by YOR on 27 Apr 2021 (Rating: 2)

Why change your rules and your setup and make no sense of it? Trivial Pursuit as a structure is perfection, the biggest problem with the Spectrum port not being anything to do with the rules but with the fact that you can cheat by telling it your always right. The problem with this is the same fault exists and they've removed the game board and instead we travel to different planets in order to correctly answer questions to obtain certain items. They have turned Trivial Pursuit from a fun board game to a boring quiz game. Also, it's 2045AD and Earth is a dying planet, well thanks for telling us that when it's now 24 years away and we're in a pandemic! But anyway, this is crap, I'll take the board game please.