
Reviews for Tutankhamun (#5481)

Review by The Dean of Games on 07 Sep 2012 (Rating: 3)

1983 Micromania (UK)
by Dominic Wood

A simple but very addictive game, with a difficulty level good enough even for hard-to-knock players.
Sure the graphics could be a lot better, and the maze colours could differ from level to level to add some variety, but overall it plays well enough to keep me interested still to this days, and this title is with me since my very early Spectrum days..

Review by dandyboy on 07 Sep 2012 (Rating: 2)

The approach of Tutankhamun to labyrinthic games is correct but the jerky movements spoil it all .

Besides , the screen presentation can be confusing at times and the laser bean shoots itself without fire-key being pressed . The scroll is rather awful ...

These negative aspects put together make Tutankhamun a rather painful experience and a hardly enjoyable video-game .

Too bad considering its price back in 1983 .

A true pity . :(

1,5 out of 5 .

Review by Stack on 29 Jun 2014 (Rating: 3)

A version of the coin-op and a rewarding one if you give it tine as you can make progress each go...
It also rewards the hold fire continually method of gameplay which is a shame as well as producing a very garish fx.
Playable enough.

Review by Alessandro Grussu on 07 Jul 2014 (Rating: 4)

Inspired by the coin-op of the same name, Tutankhamun is a maze game where you, as the explorer of an Egyptian tomb, must brave several dangers in order to collect as much treasure as you can and find the exit on the opposite side before the time runs out.

However, this is not a game for reckless shooters. Running along the corridors with guns blazing will get you killed in a short time. You must take a lot of care in order to avoid the enemies, timing your moves accordingly.

Despite its basic appearance and sound (hey, it's a 1983 title after all!), Tutankhamun is old-school, no-frills action gameplay at its finest.