
Reviews for The Odyssey of Hope (#6757)

Review by p13z on 15 Mar 2021 (Rating: 2)

A text adventure based on classical mythology - and it isn't too good.
I like it's uniqueness - it is always refreshing to find text adventures that aren't derived from one of the big four game engines. But re-inventing the wheel often ends up with disappointing results.
On the plus side, it has graphics for all locations, and seems to have graphics and sound(!) for all objects - but they aren't the best quality.
There are a few annoyances with the parser, which seems to shun many conventions, and accepts only full words for some commands, and only abbreviations of others. May main problem with it, though, is the tricky/unfair gameplay. Death is a constant threat, and it seems to be possible to get stuck in some locations - with Q for Quit being the only escape.
Not the worst text adventure I've attempted to play, and it has some great touches, but it is too frustrating.