
Reviews for The Runes of Zendos (#6912)

Review by dandyboy on 29 Oct 2012 (Rating: 3)

This is an interesting role game . Your advancing depends upon your decisions . Wild creatures await for you in each chamber . What to do ?

In the same vein as The Oracle´s Cave -by the same author- but a bit more accomplished and colorful , in my opinion . Less user-friendly .

3,5 out of 5 .

Review by The Dean of Games on 29 Oct 2012 (Rating: 3)

1984 Dorcas Software (UK)
by Chris Dorrell

This is a similar game to Oracle's Cave. It looks a bit more polished graphically speaking, but the text entries are a bit more complex and annoying, demanding whole sentences to be written at times. That makes things slower and tedious. Which is a shame really, because the author upgraded his previous effort, Oracle's Cave, mainly in looks and forget the friendly usage of the game.
There are monsters with names such as the Featureless Metamorphe, and when you want, for example, to attack him, you need to write "attack metamorphe", this may be repeated up to 4 times! Imagine doing this for hours...