
Reviews for Paris to Dakar (#9388)

Review by Raphie on 15 Jul 2013 (Rating: 4)

Based on the Paris-Dakar Rally, you may notice some similarities between this and 7500cc Grand Prix, it has the same graphics, it has the same sound, it has the same corrupt speech....yes it's pretty much the same recycled code to make a new-ish game...BUT it's not entirely the same game.

The main difference from 750cc is there are trees and rocks to avoid, time and health bonuses to collect and a damage meter to keep an eye on instead of your you can choose from either a truck, a motorbike (like 750cc) and a sports car. So this can be considered an unofficial sequel so to speak....actually to come to think of it, rally, different vehicles to choose from, degree of difficulty, "licensed" race, this could essentially be the ZX Spectrum of Dirt. Result!