
Reviews for Robin Hood - Legend Quest (#9406)

Review by YOR on 03 Jan 2021 (Rating: 3)

Six years after Super Robin Hood came Robin Hood - Legend Quest which is possibly more an upgrade rather than a direct sequel. Released in 1993, it is one of Code Masters' final Spectrum games. Graphically it is a vast improvement and a lot of work clearly went towards this game, but there is one significant gripe with the gameplay. When you go to shoot enemies with your bow it takes Robin forever to prepare his bow to fire, I'm pretty certain it was instant in Super Robin Hood, but it was a very annoying nitpick and enough for me to dock a point. This could have been a fine way for Code Masters to go out and it is still a very well made game especially in the graphics department, but the gameplay lets this one down so much that I'm enclined to call Super Robin Hood a better game.