
Reviews by mattybennett (2)

Andy Capp, 02 Jun 2012 (Rating: 4)

An excellent game but with a few conditions and barriers which make it a little unfriendly.

Andy wakes and it is obvious from the Crash! magazine walkthrough for that quarter that other more anal or socially challenged nerds than me tried to 'bug' the game, then a 'brute force', then realising that it will crash on you, then make a very detailed map with timings for character appearances and walk cycles.

Its a complex game in that you're supposed to bank your Giro and also do other 'stuff' along the way.

Remember 'Jack the Nipper'? Good. Its that without the change in background colour. You thought that 'How to be a complete Bastard' was pointless? You were right. It was.

JTN 2 however may be the one game to release us from this madness. Until then I trust in the famous Mr Bolham, a.k.a. Mr Andy Capp as the local job shirker able to endear an audience alongside creating hatred in the nvp and subordinate characters.

So when you click the 'Start' button, have a mind for the amount of hatred you are creating.


Jet Set Willy, 02 Jun 2012 (Rating: 5)


I passed a technical trainer for Pearson. A well-educated, intelligent and significant pillar of the community who was reduced to a bundle of MIDI notes as he demolished Grieg's amazing work as Fingal's Cave became a sequence of 'derrs'. I tried to explain to him the harm he was causing on the local environment in particular for non marine mammals aged 30 or over.

He seemed unconcerned. In retaliation I battled with the opening bars (in as crass a MIDI development as I could muster) I tried to recreate (badly) the Blue Danube.

We were matched evenly. The hatred between the personas was immeasurable. We were the Sharks and the Jets.

Der,der,der,der,der-der der...

Followed by the death-knell boot a-la Monty-Python.